Home Forums Greases Can I add a Pour point Depressent to a finished grease? Reply To: Can I add a Pour point Depressent to a finished grease?

  • Rafe Britton

    2 February 2023 at 3:11 pm

    Ahh – I see what you mean now. It really depends on the cold-temperature behaviour of the base oil as to whether a PPD will make any difference. PPDs inhibit wax crystal growth – if these crystals are emerging at -40C than the PPD would potentially make a difference to the cold flow properties. However, I’m not sure about blending it in to a fully-formulated grease. PPD’s are an additive that require heat blending into lubricant formulations, so I’m not sure how you’d get the homogenized in the correct way in an already-manufactured grease.